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Monday, August 20, 2018

Off of My Bookshelves

Welcome to Off of My Bookshelves.

This is where Tank and I pick a book off of our bookshelf or Kindle and talk about it. If you want to join in, drop your link below so we can check yours out too!

Off of My Bookshelves

So I have the best friends.  I don’t mean to brag, but I do. When I broke my leg in May, a girlfriend said that she would bring me over some books to read. I asked for something in the fantasy genre. She delivered this huge box full of books. At the bottom of the box, there were a couple of series by Liz Schulte. She was new to me, but I will tell you what she is one of my new favorite authors!

Luckily, I grabbed the first one in the series! Sometimes, I grab the second one and am totally confused by the end. J Anyway, welcome to Secrets by Liz Schulte. It is the first in the Guardian Trilogy.

Secrets (The Guardian Trilogy #1)

We are introduced to photographer Olivia Martin who is so busy living through her camera that life swirls around her. She accidently bumps into a hot stranger exiting a bar with her best friend, Juliet. As they are walking home, she feels like she is being followed but she can’t see anything. She also starts having crazy dreams where the hot stranger is within these dreams.

Holden lives a cold lonely life in the shadows. His world gets turned on its head when he bumps into a lovely lady leaving the bar. She is someone that he can’t get out of his mind, literally. She drags him into her dreams, too. He decides to get to know her a little better by showing up at one of her art shows. This changes the course of both Holden and Olivia’s lives. Certain events were set to play and their love is put to the test. Will Holden give up his current lifestyle for Olivia? Will Olivia make the choice to follow her destiny or will she put her love before everything else?

Liz Schulte writes an engaging story. I could not put this one down. My hubby couldn’t believe I had read the whole series in 2 days. Olivia is very likeable as she is just a sweetie. She is the person that gives change to homeless and goes to church with her mother. She has this natural curiosity that gets her into trouble; while, Holden is the smoldering silent type. He tries to keep his life secret to protect Olivia. But in the end, it all catches up to them.

The relationship between the two of them is a little quick, but definitely steamy. I end up rooting for their love to last. Who knows if it will?

I just love this series. I hope you check it out too!


  1. A WHOLE series in only two days! I am impressed and it does sound like a book series that deserves to be read in two days. I hope your leg is on the mend now. Xx

  2. I want friends to bring me boxes of books! It's great to find a new author.

  3. I always prefer standalone to series. In case of movies, it's vice versa.Cant believe that you finished whole series in two days. Looking forward to your posts.

  4. I like the sound of the series and love the cover. I just don't have time for series at the moment.

  5. This series sounds awesome! You have such wonderful friends.

  6. This sounds like a great discussion idea :) And this is a new book to me so thanks for the recommendation!

    Megan - My Top Ten Tuesday

  7. It is always interesting to see what books my friends read and even more to see what they pass on to me. It is usually something I would never read ;)

  8. I do love a good series binge - you do have great friends! I like that cover too

  9. I've never come across this series, but would like to give it a try!

  10. This is a new author to me. I love a good trilogy. Will have to have a look at this one.

  11. You read the series in two days?! That speaks volumes as to how good this is.

  12. I am glad you have those friends who understand your interest.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes


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